Minnesota Gophers' Bullpen Let Up Back-to-Back-to-Back-to-Back-to-Back Home Runs To Kansas (Tying NCAA Record) In a Game Inside Minnesota Vikings Stadium
All around rough day for the University of Minnesota. Not only were they bounced by Northwestern in the first round of the B1G Tournament. Not only did their athletic director catch a flight back to campus so he could then fire his head basketball coach at 2am. Then release a statement in which (according to Gopher fans) he lied through his teeth saying "we offer everything that is needed to be successful". I'm told Minnesota doesn't offer shit for NIL money. So not only was yesterday a tough day for Gopher basketball, but the Minnesota Golden Baseball Gophers had a historically awful performance in their own right.
It's bad enough to lose a baseball game in the most gigantic, most purple, most empty stadium I've ever seen. It's bad enough to allow an NCAA baseball record tying back-to-back-to-back-to-back-to-back home runs to go down 13-1 in the in the top of the 3rd inning. But to top off your record allowing performance by being run-ruled 29-1 in just 7 innings.

Not a great day on the diamond. Although oddly enough, the Golden Gophers actually split their Minnesota Vikings themed baseball series with Kansas. They won 10-6 on Tuesday. Looked great doing it too.
College baseball really produces some of the wildest results in sports. Games get so out of hand, so fast. Not enough good pitching + metal bats make for some ridiculous scores. Teams put up 20 runs like it's nothing. Just scrolling through some recent games, Oregon beat Columbia 35-1 this year. Maryland beat Western Carolina 35-12. Holy Cross gave up 23 runs to George Mason in a single inning.
Hell of a sport. Maybe we should be watching it more. Somebody should really try to grow the game.
But again… bad day for Minnesota. People forget that Minneapolis, Minnesota is low-key low-key, low-key the most cursed sports city in the country. It's been 123 seasons since one of their 4 professional sports franchises won a championship. And the Minnesota Golden Gophers haven't been much better. Thank god for women's hockey. If it weren't for them, this graphic might look embarrassing.

Sorry I don't why I'm coming after Minnesota. They've never done anything bad to me. I'm not sure they've ever done anything bad to anyone. Anthony Edwards is a perfectly fun player to watch. They just don't win championships very much/at all. Which is ok. Sports are about more than championships. I actually think rings culture is ruining sports in a way. So maybe we should strive to be more like Minneapolis. If we cared less about things like trophies, and more about… sportsmanship or whatever, then the world might be a better place. I guess. Idfk. Good luck hiring a new basketball coach Minnesota. Good luck getting your pitching staff in order.